Thursday, April 1, 2010

Rome Side Trip: Etruscan Tombs

For my side trip to Rome I will head to the town of Cerveteri which is located in the province of Rome to explore the ancient Etruscan Tombs. The town is famous for a number of Etruscan necropoleis. A necropoleis is a large cemetary or burial ground. The most famous necropoleis in Cerveteri that is the town's largest tourist attraction is the Necropolis of the Banditaccia. This Necropolis boasts 1,000 tombs and is the largest necropolis in the Meditteranean area. The tombs date from the 9th century BC at the earliest to the the 3rd centure BC at the newest. Our modern knowledge of ancient Etruscan life is largely dependent on the finds and decorative details of these tombs which are numerous. It will be exciting taking a step back in time and being in the presence of such ancient structures. I'm looking forward to immersing myself in history.

For lunch I will eat at La Taverna Ceretana right in town. This restaraunt is unique in that it is inside a grotto. It's dishes include homemade pasta, the food served is local. I believe that eating local food is a good way to immerse yourself in the experience of a place. A reviewer of this restaruant suggested the fettuccini, I may have to take them up on thier suggestion!

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